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Admission to the master's degree


 Admission regulations
 To the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 393 of June 20, 2017
 About the procedure for admission to the master's program of higher education institutions
 Chapter 1  General rules
 1. This Regulation admits students to the master's degree of higher education institutions (hereinafter referred to as the master's degree) in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education" and "On the National Training Program"  determines the order of making.
 This Regulation does not apply to military educational institutions, the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent State Law University, the Banking and Finance Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Corporate Governance Research and Education Center.
 2. Admission to the master's degree is carried out by higher education institutions in accordance with the quotas for admission on the basis of state grants and fee-based contracts established by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan or the Cabinet of Ministers.
 3. Admission to the master's degree is carried out by the State Commission on admission to educational institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan (hereinafter referred to as the State Commission) according to the results of entrance tests, according to the rating system of points  is done.
 Admission to the master's degree has a bachelor's degree or a qualification of a specialist in the relevant field of study and the list of related (master's degree) higher education areas determined by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education  is made on the basis of a choice between the persons who are.
 Individuals with a bachelor's degree or graduate qualification are eligible to apply in one of the majors on the list of related majors.
 Admission to the master's degree is carried out on the basis of equality for all (both grants and fee-for-service contracts), a single admission rules and a single competition.  provided.  The remaining applicants are eligible for admission within the fee-for-service quotas established on the basis of the points rating.
 The competition is held separately for each higher education institution according to the master's specialty, language and form of teaching.  In the case of approval of targeted admission quotas for certain master's specialties in the regions, the competition will be held separately for each region (higher education institution).
 4. Entrance exams are conducted in three languages ​​- Uzbek, Russian, Karakalpak in higher education institutions of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.
 The language of instruction in the master's degree is determined by the ministries and departments and approved by the State Commission before the adoption of documents within the admission criteria set by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan or the Cabinet of Ministers.
 5. Applicants take the entrance exams for the master's degree in the language of study at the institution of higher education.
 6. Admission to the master's degree is entrusted to the admission commission of the higher education institution appointed for the current academic year in accordance with the procedure established by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education.  deputy will be appointed.
 7. Winners of state scholarships of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and named state scholarships are admitted to the master's degree of higher education institutions on the basis of out-of-competition state grants for specialties relevant to the bachelor's degree.

 Chapter 2  Admission of foreign citizens

 8. Admission of foreign citizens to the master's degree Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On improving the procedure for admission and training of foreign citizens in educational institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan" dated August 4, 2008 No 169 and  It is carried out on the basis of international agreements of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

 Chapter 3  Procedure for receiving documents

 9. One month before the start of the entrance examinations for the master's degree, the admissions committee of the higher education institution in the prescribed manner publishes information on the terms of admission to the master's degree, the names of specialties and places.
 10. Upon admission to the master's program, applicants (bachelor's degree, diploma specialists) submit the following documents to the admissions committee of the higher education institution:
 application addressed to the rector of the higher education institution, indicating the master's degree;
 the original of the document on higher education (or the extract from the diploma - for graduates of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the state grant) and the appendix to it;
 a copy of the published scientific article or thesis (or equivalent) (if any);
 6 color photos of 3.5 x 4.5 size;
 086-U medical certificate;
 11. Applications will be accepted from July 1 to July 30.
 12. During the application process, applicants must present their passport and military service documents in person.
 13. In the presence of the specified documents, the admissions committee of the higher education institution has no right to refuse to accept the documents of the applicant.

 Chapter 4  Entrance tests

 14. The total score of the entrance exam to the master's degree consists of:
 at the entrance to the master's degree there is a test in special subjects, which determines the level of knowledge in the chosen specialty (assessment criteria range from 0 to 100 points);
 in order to determine the ability and interest of graduate students in scientific and scientific-pedagogical work, interviews are conducted on the basis of questions related to the chosen specialty (assessment criteria range from 0 to 50 points);
 Test on the subject of "Computer Science and Information Technology" (assessment criteria range from 0 to 50 points);
 foreign language (second foreign language for specialties based on foreign philology, foreign language and literature) (assessment criteria range from 0 to 50 points);
 In Uzbekistan, a test will be held on the theory and practice of building a democratic society (assessment criteria range from 0 to 50 points).
 The overall ranking or mastery index of a graduate of a higher education institution (mastery is expressed in the range of 55 to 100 points, respectively) is determined.
 Internationally recognized foreign language proficiency certificate (at least 58 on TOEFL or at least 5 on IELTS, TestDaF (TDN3), at least V2 on CEFR) or V2 on foreign language proficiency issued by the State Testing Center or  Those who submit a C1 level certificate will be given 50 points in the foreign language and will not take the foreign language entrance test.
 The maximum (maximum) score for admission to a master's degree is 400.
 15. Applicants take written (or creative) entrance exams (special tests) in the following subjects:
 special disciplines in the field of education corresponding to the master's degree (up to 2);
 Informatics and information technologies;
 Theory and practice of building a democratic society in Uzbekistan;
 foreign language (second foreign language for specialties based on foreign philology, foreign language and literature).
 16. The form of entrance examinations (special tests) and test programs on subjects and criteria for assessing the knowledge of applicants are agreed by the rector of the higher education institution with the relevant ministries, departments and the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education  will be approved and brought to the attention of applicants one month before the start of the entrance exams.
 30-50% of the test score in the special disciplines of the chosen specialty is allocated to determine the applicant's creative ability in the specialty, as well as knowledge of independent work with scientific and technical information, systematic independent analysis, drawing conclusions.
 Questions to determine the applicant's ability and interest in scientific and pedagogical work in the specialty chosen for the interview will be compiled by leading experts and published on the bulletin board of the Admissions Committee for the attention of applicants a month in advance.  Based on these questions, exam tickets are created, and during the interview, the applicant submits the answers to the exam ticket in writing to the commission and answers the questions orally.  During the interview, the applicant's scientific article or thesis (or equivalent documents) will be considered and taken into account in evaluating the results of the interview.
 A single curriculum and assessment criteria for the theory and practice of building a democratic society in Uzbekistan will be approved by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education and communicated to the relevant higher education institutions.
 17. Entrance exams (special tests) will be held from 3 to 15 August.
 18. Prior to the entrance exams (special tests), the admissions committee of the higher education institution organizes consultations on test subjects.  The schedule of consultations is developed by the admissions committee of the higher education institution and approved by the rector.
 19. Commissions on each test subject are established by the order of the rector for carrying out entrance tests.  The chairmen of the science commissions are approved by the ministries and departments, depending on the departmental subordination of the higher education institution.
 20. The composition of the commission on experimental sciences consists of mature and experienced professors and teachers of the higher education institution.  If necessary, it may include teachers from other higher education institutions.
 21. The chairmen of the commission on experimental sciences have the following responsibilities:
 Involve qualified, demanding and fair professors in the commission to ensure the quality of entrance examinations;
 definition of responsibilities of members of the commission (organization of consultations, preparation of examination questions, development of criteria for evaluation of answers, etc.);
 guide and monitor the testing process.
 22. The procedure for conducting tests in subjects (distribution of teachers to the audience, encryption and verification of answers, etc.) is determined by the admissions committee of the higher education institution.
 23. The results of the entrance tests are marked with a score in accordance with the evaluation criteria and entered in the records.  The records are signed by the members of the examination committee, the executive secretary of the admissions committee and submitted to the chairman of the admissions committee.
 24. The test papers of the entrants admitted to the higher educational institution shall be attached to their personal documents.
 Tests of those who are not admitted will be kept for 6 months, after which they will be destroyed in the prescribed manner.
 25. It is forbidden to retake entrance tests (special tests).
 Those who scored 55% or less of the maximum score for the entrance exam in a special subject in the specialty, as well as those who did not come to the entrance exams on time, will not be admitted to the next entrance exam and will not be admitted to the master's degree.
 26. In accordance with the established procedure, the work of the appeal (protest) commission is organized in the higher education institution.
 If an applicant is dissatisfied with the test results, he / she can apply to the chairman of the admissions committee of the higher education institution or the chairman of the appeal (protest) commission within 24 hours from the date of publication of the test results.  The time limit for consideration of the appeal should not exceed two days.
 27. Admission of blind applicants for a master's degree is carried out in accordance with Annex 3 to the Regulations on the procedure for admission of students to the bachelor's degree of higher education institutions.

 Chapter 5  Payment procedure for admission and study on a fee-for-service basis

 28. Admission to the master's degree on a fee-for-service basis is carried out by the State Commission on the rating of entrance exams on the basis of uniform admission rules within the admission quotas established by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan or the Cabinet of Ministers.
 After the decision of the State Commission on the recommendation of applicants for a master's degree on a fee-for-service basis, a contract is concluded between the higher education institution and legal entities or individuals in the prescribed manner.
 Contract forms of the established form are issued by the admission commission of the higher education institution from the date of publication of test results and are executed in 3 copies for legal entities, signed by the head and the chief accountant, in 2 copies for individuals.
 For applicants recommended by the State Commission on a fee-for-service basis, payment is made annually within the timeframes specified in the terms of the contract.
 The terms of the contract and the obligations of the parties, the procedure for their implementation are carried out in accordance with the law.

 Chapter 6  Admission Procedure

 29. The decision of the State Commission on admission to the master's degree of higher education institutions is made no later than August 20, and it is approved by the rectors of higher education institutions on the admission of applicants to higher education institutions on state grants until August 25.  will be the basis for the execution of orders.
 In accordance with the decision of the State Commission on admission to the master's degree of higher education institutions, admission on a fee-for-service basis is carried out by legal entities or individuals no later than September 15.  then formalized by the order of the higher education institution.

 Chapter 7  Duration of master's degree

 30. The period of study for a master's degree is at least 2 years.

 Chapter 8  Closing rule

 31. Disputes on the issues specified in this Regulation shall be resolved in accordance with the legislation.
 Documents for admission to the master's degree
 Here is some information about admission to the master's degree:
 Documents are accepted only online through the portal magistr.edu.uz, applicants do not come to the university to apply;
 In the master's program entrants are not given the opportunity to choose 5 specialties.  Only one route is selected;
 Entrance exams will be in the specialty and in a foreign language.  Not from other disciplines;
 The maximum possible score in the master's exams is 250 points.
 -Diploma bali - 100 points;
 -Specialization test score - 100 points;
 -Foreign language test score - 50 points.
 No points will be awarded in the entrance exams for published articles;
 Applications will be accepted from July 5 to July 30;
 Pre-exam note

 Note to applicants
 Applicants with a 5.5 IELTS score will be exempted from the foreign language test
 The applicant must submit the relevant documents to the Admissions Office, confirming that the relevant information is correctly entered into the database of applicants.  Applicants' complaints will not be considered after the admission process.
 The applicant will take the test on the date and time specified in the permit.
 During the test, the applicant has the following rights:
 - use the questionnaire as a draft;
 - complete test assignments ahead of schedule, then hand over the test materials to the group supervisor and leave the test site.

 Address of the Admissions Committee
 Address of the Admissions Committee
 Bukhara city, M.Iqbol street, 11.
 Bukhara regional administration building.
 Transportation: 6,76,33,75,86,88 bus stop "Diamond" cafe, 72,25,37,11 bus stop "University dormitory".
 Bukhara Uzbekistan, Bukhara 200114 Uzbekistan
 Call center
 65 221-26-81
 65 221-26-85
 65 221-27-66

 Entrance testing program and evaluation criteria
 Entrance Test Program and Evaluation Criteria (Master)
 1. 5A120101 - Literary criticism (Uzbek literature)
 2. 5A120101 - Literary Studies (English)
 3. 5A120102 - Literary Russian literature
 4.5A120102 - Linguistics (Uzbek)
 5. 5A120102-Linguistics English
 6. 5A120102 - Linguistics (French)
 7. 5A120102 - Linguistics (Russian)
 8. 5A120201- “Comparative Linguistics, Linguistic Translation Studies
 9. 5A120302 - History (by directions and countries)
 10. 5A120304 - Historiography, source studies
 11. 5A120401 - Archeology
 12. 5A120104 - Textual Studies and Literary Source Studies
 13. 5A120402 - Ethnography, ethnology and anthropology
 14. 5A130101 - Mathematics (by directions)
 15. 5A130201 - Applied Mathematics (by fields)
 16. 5A 140101 - Biology
 17. 5A140201 - Physics (by directions)
 18. 5A140204 - Renewable energy
 19. 5A140205 - Physics of semiconductors
 20. 5A140501 - Chemistry (in the field of science)
 21_5A140602 _ – _ Geography_study_object
 22. 5A141001 - Soil Science (by type of research)
 23_5A210201 _ – _ Psychology_specialty_in_types_of_activity
 24_5230100_ – By_industries_and_sectors
 25. 5A330101 – Computer science and programming technologies
 26. 5A330204 - Information systems (by network)
 27. 5A610301 - Tourism (by type of activity)
 28. 5A610301 - Tourism (pilgrimage tourism)